Space Walk in Pohang Hwanho Park, Republic of Korea

디에스텍 홈페이지 리뉴얼안내
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Pohang Space Walk, we’ve designed with Tekla Structures, is really big talk of Korea these days.

The number of visitors is reached about 3,000 in a day, and 21 thousands for 3 months. That means 125 people visit here constantly in a single hour.

We, DSTECH designed Space Walk from two years ago, and finished completely last year.

The most of the parts had each radius, we have to consider how to design them. So we made some modules that can make it automatically with mathematical ways, successfully completed this complicated project so efficiently.

Futhermore, we have some projects creating Metaverses with these design data in real.

Please let us have our steady attentions for those.

Thanks for reading, and Have a nice day.


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